Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Put Down the Post-It Note: Learning to LOVE the Word

I like making to-do lists.  Actually, that’s not true—I love making to-do lists. It keeps me focused, makes me feel productive and helps me hold on to my sanity. The satisfaction that comes with every check mark can only be understood by my fellow “Type A” personalities.  Sometimes I will add a task that I’ve already completed to my to-do list, just so I can check it off.  And I’d explain my color-coding system for my to-do lists, but I don’t want to give you more than you can handle.

Organization and order are the air I breathe, but not all things in life should be reduced to a to-do list—especially my relationship with the Lord.  Unfortunately, I too easily default to making my quiet times into a checklist.  If I allow my heart and mind to go on auto-pilot, I end up living as if discipline and diligence are the ultimate goal, and not a response to an enjoyable relationship with the Lord.

Discipline isn’t a bad thing.  In fact, God commands us to be disciplined throughout Scripture.  Take Joshua 1:7-8, for example:
“Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.  Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”
Passages like this have me scrambling for my Post-It notes and a pen.  I am supposed to be careful to do everything written in the Bible, after all.  Immediately I start to make the list in my mind:
            -Obey all the Bible commands
            -Don't turn from it
            -Keep the Word on my lips
            -Meditate on the Word during the day
            -Meditate on the Word at night
            -Do everything it says
Wait—obey all the Law?  Do everything it says?  Wow.  I’m going to need some more Post-Its.

This is where my checklist system breaks down.  When discipline turns into legalism, when my desire to be a “doer” of the Word and not just a “hearer” becomes my righteousness, there is a problem.  There is a better way to approach the Word than making it into a checklist of good works and obedient acts.  It’s called enjoyment.

I have been meditating on Psalm 119 recently, and these verses have become my prayer:

“Teach me, O LORD, the way of your statutes;  
and I will keep it to the end. 
Give me understanding, that I may keep your law 
and observe it with my whole heart. 
Lead me in the path of your commandments, 
for I delight in it. 
Incline my heart to your testimonies, 
and not to selfish gain! 
Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things; 
And give me life in your ways. 
Confirm to your servant your promise, 
that you may be feared. 
Turn away the reproach that I dread, 
for your rules are good. 
Behold, I long for your precepts; 
in your righteousness give me life!” 
(v. 33-40)
In these verses, the psalmist’s love for the Word of God is unmistakable.  He delights in the Word.  He longs for it. But in his passion for the law of the Lord, he is not devoid of discipline.  He is careful to be obedient, but he obeys from the heart (v. 34).  The psalmist does not sacrifice focus for enjoyment.  Instead, focus and enjoyment fuel one another.

I want to love the Word of God.  I want my time in the Word to be fueled by a passion for His truth and a longing for godly wisdom, not just a sense of duty.  Do I want to be obedient and be a “doer” of the Word?  Yes, of course.  But that obedience should be a result of the overflow of joy and love that comes from my relationship with Jesus and grace that He has poured out on my life.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Soaking up the sun on Hilton Head Island!

It's been long, snowy winter in Kirksville, and luckily spring is just around the corner.  To celebrate my last spring break ever (weird, I know), I took off to Hilton Head Island, SC for a week with my girlfriends.  We had an incredible vacation, full of much-needed time together and relaxation.  The whole week was incredible, but if I had to narrow it down…

Top 10 Spring Break 2011 Memories

10. The babe pool at Hilton Head...

Yes, there were some real heartbreakers in the crowd...Dad was worried there would be boys there.  I don’t think he had much to worry about.  We were the youngest ones there by a long shot.  Well, except for the couple that brought their grandkids.

9. The SWEET condo we stayed in
This is the cleanest it looked all trip, but what do you expect with 6 girls in one condo
King size bed with a flat screen and an ocean view?!?  I'll take it!
And a jacuzzi to boot!
A huge thanks to the Kroegers for working all of the details out for us!

8. The car ride there and back
It may have been long, but we had a great time.  Sketchy gas stations, enough granola bars to feed an army, a GPS named Myrtle, and the Spice Girls—perfect for a road trip to the beach.

7. Touching a live sea star and sand dollar
Liz is the one who actually held it.  I just touched it.  With one finger.   Good enough for me.
Things that are slimy or are alive but don’t have faces aren’t really my bag, but it was still pretty cool.

6. Frequent trips to the Piggly Wiggly.  And by frequent, I mean at least twice a day.  We kept running out of cereal.

5. Adventures in cooking dinner and scarfing down cereal like it was going out of style.
Pancake night!

4. Going to the beach every day, no matter what.
Staying warm
Getting a tan...or in my case just laying there praying not to get sunburned.
            Sunny or cloudy, warm or freezing, we were ready to go.  Now that's dedication.

3. Riding bikes all around the island.
Yes, I actually rode it, not just adjusted the seat.  And I wore a helmet.  Promise.
For anyone who was lucky enough to be present when I tried to learn how to ride a bike when I was 5 or has experienced my lack of coordination, you know what a miracle this is.  I loved it, though.  It was so much fun!

2. Spending quality time with my best friends
I am blessed to have friends who love the Lord and who keep me accountable as we strive to be more like Jesus.

1. Doing my quiet time on the beach

           With a view like this, how could you not want to get to know the One who made it all!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Two of My Favorite Things: Friendship and Cities

There I was—first day of college—watching “The Office” in the dorm lounge.  A girl from my floor passed by, asked if she could watch with me and sat down.  Not only did we both love the show, but we had the same laptop and the same phone.  Makings of a friendship?  I think YES!  And as if that wasn't enough…she was a believer!

Freshman Week

I had officially made my first friend of college:  Rachel Strull.  God made that friendship grow and brought me so much encouragement through it.  After two years at Truman, Rachel obediently followed God’s call on her life to go into career ministry and transferred to Moody Bible Institute. So when Truman gave us an extended weekend, I took the opportunity to visit her at MBI.  After an hour-and-a-half drive and a four-hour train ride, I was in Chicago!

Our time together was so much fun, and I was refreshed by the conversation and a mini-escape from Kirksville.

Here are a few pictures from the trip:

Wrigley Field!

By the Water Tower after a successful shopping adventure on Michigan Ave.

Headed out to dinner--Obviously, you weren't allowed to come if you weren't wearing sequins or floral print.  Ha!

I could not be more thankful for my time in the city.  Thank you to Rach and all the Houghton 8 North ladies for making me feel so welcome!  I can't wait to visit again!